miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Android: Could 700,000 Daily Activations Be Just the Start?

On Tuesday night, Android chief Andy Rubin noted that Google is now seeing 700,000 daily activations of new devices using its operating system.

That’s up from a 550,000 activations-per-day figure touted in July and the 300,000 per day figure mentioned a year ago.

But that could be just the start. Appitalism CEO Scott Buckingham predicts that by the end of next year daily activations could reach an astronomical 2.5 million per day — a run rate of more than 900 million a year.

“My view is it is just going to accelerate,” Buckingham said in an interview. While he acknowledged that is a pretty aggressive target, he maintains it is achievable given the momentum behind the operating system and its expansion into emerging markets and to other devices, including tablets and televisions.

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